Samanayr name
Misery of the Weeping Clouds
Lamanayr Misery
Adult, nearing his prime (early to mid 20s)
Physical description
A greyish-white body, with soft, pastel rainbow legs, yellow lightning bolt markings and scars on his body. He also has a back mane that varies in color from blue to purple to grey to purple, blue, and finally black. He has black double horns, black eyes, black hooves, and the bony parts of his wings are black as well. His wings are a combination of draconic and butterfly wings, with the membranes being softly pastel rainbow, with hints of purple. He's tall for his size, although he tends to crouch down a bit most of the time. Standing fully upright, he's twice the height of AutumnFields~Dancer. He tends to be a bit leaner than most, due to traveling a good amount in his youth, right up until recently.
Wistful, quiet, a bit shy. Can be more outgoing and warm once he is among those he knows and trusts. Has a wicked temper, and can create killer storms with it. As such, he tries very hard to keep his emotions under control, often seeming to be cold and heartless.
Abilities (magical and otherwise)
Now that he's informed me a bit more, I can fill this in better XD
Misery's magic is tied to rainstorms, particularly those with lightning. When he starts to wield his magic, the hair on his back will begin to rise up, and small bits of lightning can be seen jumping around between the hairs. Almost like static electricity, but with a more powerful punch.
Born from a union between a Mystic and a Sa'krien, Misery is regarded with hatred and disgust, both emotions that he was unfamiliar with when he was growing up. His mother, a Lamanayr Mystic, was a water mage, although not fully trained and weaker in her powers. On her way to receive training from the water Elemental that her tribe descended from, she was forced down by a powerful storm, wings damaged, right into the midst of a group of Sa'kriens. Being bachelor males, they quickly found her and kept her prisoner. Until she was recovered from her injuries, she was left alone, given only food and water. Once she was recovered, however, she found herself to be in that position that no Mystic wants to be in. A month later, she found herself pregnant, and gave birth to a foal, Misery, five months after that. She raised him as best she could, teaching him the gentle ways that she had been brought up with, and for the most part, with none of the Sa'krien ways. It wasn't until he was grown that his mother told him what he was, and helped him to flee, possibly sacrificing her life in the process. Of the Sa'krien stallions, Misery doesn't know for sure which one was his father, as there were several with draconic wings, including a Mystery.
Song of the Endless Clouds
Being loved, thunderstorms
Being considered something "hateful", hot dry weather
Aspirations and goals
To show the world that he's not a monster
Being shunned
Favorite color
Soft purples and blues
Odd fact
He's the first Lamanayr Misery! I tried to win him in two different contests before Sushi let me get him as a custom