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Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:38 am
by Bluestarwolf12
((Mwahaha... Yup, my new boy, Slice, really likes his girls to have some, eh, spunk in them. And as such, he has a unique fondness for Sa'Kriens and Miseries. >:3 So bring all your previously unloved-by-the-rest-of-Sam-society mares to him, and they shall be loved~ <3))


Night had fallen not minutes ago as Slice came to stand on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Rainbow Hotsprings. A scowl crossed his black beak as he thought about all the happy little Songs filled with happy little mares and their happy little stallions. It made him sick. No, tonight he wasn't after happy little mares, but rather, those not in happy little Songs. Those with crimson horns, eyes, and claws that had an attitude that no one wanted to deal with. Those with manes running down to their tails, powerful magic, and a growing hatred of the society that has shunned them. Yes, he was after those mares. And, usually, those mares came out at night when all the happy little Sams were asleep.

Slice lept from the cliff, spreading his wings and taking a few good flaps to get him higher. From the ground and from above, his wings looked like a sinister face, grinning and glaring at those who dared to look. And, while it was quite fun to use this to terrify young children, that was not their purpose tonight. Tonight, it was to call out the mares he was after and draw their attention.

He glided over the hotsprings, keeping a trained eye on the ground. It shouldn't be long before he had drawn the attention of at least one of his targeted mares...

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:16 pm
by Orasteele

Misery of the Strangled Dapifer awoke to the cadence of crickets. Trial and error had taught her the safest time for travel was night. Daylight hours the mare spent sleeping beneath the rose brambles that she grew up around her as a barrier against the outside world. As the sun set the mare moved the thorny bushes aside and stepped out into the night. The mare shook herself awake as she stretched out, making her way down to sip from the cool stream that ran not too far from her camp.

A moment's relaxation abruptly ended as Misery felt as if she were being watch. Spinning around the mare glared, looking for any possible sign of approaching threat. Someone was out there, she could feel it.

((Sorry for the short post. I'm a little out of it today for some reason.))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:28 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
((That's fine. We all have our off days. :3))

The almost-full moon was just beginning the get some height when the grey Sa'Grisayr spotted what he'd been after; a beautiful brown mare with a green and brown back mane taking a drink. He hovered there for a few moments, pondering how exactly to come at her, when she was suddenly on the alert. Figuring that an aerial approach would be the least expected, he began to circle downwards toward the Misery mare, landing gracefully on the opposite bank of the stream.

"Why, hello theyre," he said with a strangely friendly pose that didn't at all match his physical appearance. He only acted this way around Miseries and Sa'Kriens (unless, of course, their personality demanded otherwise), and since he was generally hostile towards anything else, there was no real need to appear friendly. "Out for a midnight stroll?"

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:25 pm
by Harroway

"Ah, ah, ah! No yrunning now!" came a lyrical laugh from somewhere out in the night. The shriek of an avian was cut short when a striped Sa'krien came sailing out from the trees and clamped down on it with a clawed paw. The avian looked plain and boring - some brown and white speckled plaything, and Devil picked it up to examine it. Teeth closed down on its midsection and the mare shook her head fiercely, laughing as the feathers and crimson liquid sprayed out in a fog around her.

When she was quite finished thrashing the thing to death, the mare looked over her shoulder, a curious grin crossing her face. Someone new! Two someones new, and she hadn't noticed them previously, too caught up in her playthings to take much note of her surroundings. Not much would bother her intentionally, being what she was. She turned around and sat down, cocking her head to the side. "Quite nice, quite nice..." she breathed in a sing-song manner to no one in particular.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:47 pm
by Pathos

Challenge crashed through the underbrush behind Devil, of no mind to be quiet or stealthy, "Get it, GET IT!" she shrieked, bearing down on Devil's position. Sliding violently to a halt at Devil's side, she gazed upon the lifeless body of the avian, "dead..." she muttered, "dead, dead, dead... without me?" she looked towards Devil with a petulant look, "next one mine..." she hissed softly.

Noticing her companion's attention elsewhere, she looked in the same direction, seeing the newcomers, and hearing Devil's sing-song exclamation...

"Play time...." she hissed, bearing her teeth and digging her claws into the loose dirt beneath her feet.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:07 pm
by Orasteele

The misery felt the earth beneath her feet stir and let the tips of brambles gather around them as her attention fell across the stream at the appearance of a strange stallion. Her green eyes narrowed as he spoke. She had met another with a beak like he had, but wingless...yes, the mare had been wingless. "I would hardly call my night-time foray a midnight stroll when I just woke up. What do you want? Are you here to try and chase me off from your lands too?" She could feel her temper begin to rise. The misery was tired of it, tired of running, and thinking that things would be different again and again only to be proven wrong.

Her ears swiveled back as they caught the sound of others approaching. Anger flared in her green eyes growing the thorns on the brambles around her feet. Let them try an run her off, she was done playing nice. Done running from mystics and songs that didn't understand her.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:24 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Slice knew how Miseries could get when they were angry, and despite his love of a good fight, magic was definately not his forte. "No, no. I'm not heyre to chase anyone off of anything. But yratheyr... Looking for something." he made a glance at the Sa'Kriens, keeping them in his peripheral line of vision so that he could move if they decided they wanted to play. "You see... My only lands at the pyresent are pyretty far from here. A place where Samanayr-kin ayre few and Mystics feweyr. I'm meyrely here seeking... Hmm, how to put it... Someone to take back with me. A mayre. Peyrhaps a few mayres." Slice continued, throwing another glance to the Sa'Kriens. "I want a Song." His eyes and words were as honest as he could make them. It was clear that she hated Samanayr society, and she was one gorgeous lady to boot. That was all he needed.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:04 pm
by Pathos

"I want a Song."

Challenge's eyes narrowed, "a Song..." she hissed, "a Song! A leash around the neck, chains around the legs! A Song!!!" she bristled and looked towards Devil, "What say you sister? Should we show this would-be "master" how we... play?"

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:20 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
"Not any kind of noyrmal Song, deayry. One wheyre you can go wheyreveyr you wish. Tyravel wheyreveyr... Kill whateveyr. I have no wish foyr contyrol. Meyrely the longing to belong, and to help those that do not belong elsewheyre to have a place in the woyrld." Slice continued, trying to explain before he got himself in way over his head. While he loved that fighting spirit, there was no way he'd be able to handle an angry Misery and a pair or Sa'Kriens all at once. His voice was unusually calm, as it always was in situations like this. But his mind was a hurricane, thoughts flying, trying to find a way to convince these mares that there was no issue. Inside, he was beginning to panic. No. Panic is bad. Panic leads to stupidity. Stupidity leads to death. Rethink.

"You would have no yrestyrictions whatsoeveyr. You would not need to call my home youyrs if you did not wish to. Although, theyre ayre many lizayrds and biyrds there foyr you to play with, should youyr heayrt desiyre it." He really hoped that that last part would catch their attantion. If it didn't then he'd need a new plan, and he'd need it fast.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:23 am
by Harroway
Devil tilted her head curiously at the invitation. No restrictions? No leash, like Challenge had sad? Questionable, but Devil did so love his attitude. "A longing to belong, yes? Many playthings on youyr lands as well, yes?" Devil had decided long ago that wherever her 'sister' Challenge went, she was sure to follow, and vice versa. The proposition sounded intriguing. The Misery didn't look too pleased about it, but she figured, they were quite aptly named anyway.

The mare took several steps forward, towards the stallion, while smiling at the Misery. "And what say she?" Devil asked, eying the brambles growing at the Misery's feet with respect. She found them quite impressive, she did. "What say she to us with paw and claws and horns? One like us who beget her, hmm?"

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:00 am
by Orasteele

"..." It was a shock to hear the words she had been looking for for so long. Was this stallion teasing her? The genuine tone to his voice and in his eyes was there, maybe he was serious. As the two Sa'Kiren mares approached she felt the violence and malice that the two carried with them. It was like the tales her dam had told her of her grand-sire with pride in her eyes; noble bearing, eyes and horns of flame or blood.

"Your kind did not beget me. My dam was a Misery as I am; last in her song when she should have stood as first mare. I harbor no ill will to your kind unless you give me reason to. And then I promise you, you will regret crossing paths with me." She let the brambles grow, come up around the four of them with long thorns offering then promise of pain as they grew to block the sky. She turned her gaze back to Slice, if he was serious about his offer then he would accept her terms. "I am Misery of the Strangled Dapifer, and I will take your offer on one condition. I stand as lead mare."

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:08 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Slice couldn't help the pride that seemed to well up in his chest at the words of the mares. They had all accepted, each with their own terms, but accepted nonetheless. "I humbley accept your teyrms, Miseyry of the Styrangled Dapifer." he said, a smile crossing his beak. "And what of youyr names?" Slice asked, turning to the Sa'Krien sisters. "What ayre you called?"

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:13 pm
by Harroway
Devil appreciated the Misery's response in her own way, and grinned. She was impressed both with her and with the stallion who was willing to even associate with them. Being on the outskirts of society never bothered Devil, but she wasn't always of sound mind to begin with. She trotted forward and bowed, all while casting a curious gaze up at the feathered stallion. "I am Devil of the Twisted Soul. Pleasuyre, I'm suyre."

She looked over at her hunting sister, Challenge, to see what she thought. Being in a Song with a Misery didn't bother her as long as the Misery remained content with their presence. Devil harbored no ill will towards anyone in particular unless given cause, and while she knew she could at least make a stand against an angry Misery, she'd rather have avoided it. "Don't yrightly cayre about my position in the gyrand scheme of things." explained the mare. "Long as we have playthings, content I am."

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:41 pm
by Pathos

Challenge watched with wide eyes as Devil introduced herself to the Sa'grisayr stallion, and agreed to join his song. She took a small step forward, gathering her often fragmented thoughts in an effort to speak what she meant;

"Though my sister and I are not bound in blood as true siblings, I vowed a long time ago never to be separated from her, ever. I am Challenge of the Blood Moon, and I sincerely hope that you are strong enough to handle the two of us." she hissed, hoping he understood that weakness was not to be tolerated if he was to be her Song-leader.

She turned towards the Misery, "I hope you too know what you are getting into, I will not be ruled over like some young foal. You seem to bring strength to the table and I will respect that, anything more from me will have to be earned."

As she finished her piece, a small glint of madness re-entered her eyes and she nudged Devil with her shoulder, "Now, we play?"

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:41 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
((Alright, so now we should discuss the name and open/semi-open/closedness of the newly formed Song, yes? :3))

Slice bowed to Devil as she introduced herself, and again as Challenge did the same. They had made it clear that they would be a handful, and Slice was more than excited about the -ahem- challenge. He then realized that he had failed to introduce himself. "I am Slice of the Sinisteyr Skies, and it is an honouyr to have you in my Song." he said, looking between his three new mares with a warm, proud smile. He had finally suceeded at creating a Song. And not just any Song, but one filled with those mares outcast by society. Slice welled with pride.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:47 pm
by Orasteele
((Yes! I'd prefer it if it were semi-open or closed since I prefer people to ask me to use my pretty Misery, but I'll let you guys make that call.))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:05 pm
by Pathos
((I would like to be asked for permission as well for Challenge, so Semi-Open or Closed works for me as well!))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:32 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
((I think we'll go with Closed, then. :3 I really hope to use one of these pairs next season, whenever that may be. :D

Now for a name. I was thinking something like one of these.
Song of the Tarnished Souls
Song of the Oucast Souls
Song of the Damaged Spirits

Or something totally ironic, like Song of the Perfect Ones. Any other ideas?))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:37 pm
by Harroway
(( The Song will make some beautiful babies, I know for sure!

I like Outcast souls myself, since tarnished and damaged makes them sound... like they're messed up somehow? :lol: They were born pretty and perfect just the way they are! Now I want to use a pair myself, with a breeding token for guaranteed success! Question is, who would I use? :o ))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:50 pm
by Orasteele
((I like Outcast too! I think it sounds more like the group of them! Hehehe, I can't wait to see foals from this song, they will be amazing I'm sure!))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:54 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
((Outcast it is! :D *goes to begin setting up the Song of the Outcast Souls*

I can't wait to see what kinds of foals these guys produce. Also, I'm really kinda scared of what they might do on Halloween if they decide to get into the spirit of things. <_< *cowers*))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:02 pm
by Orasteele
((Oh yes, that could end up a terrifying and yet interesting experience. *goes to update mare in the database*))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:11 pm
by Pathos
((Yay! I like the name as well, very nice! Offspring are going to look just awesome, I can't wait for next breeding season to come around! (Hopefully I'll have a little more luck lol!)))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:16 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
((Oh, question. Is there a list of everything I need to do to add a Song? This'll be my first. ^_^;))

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:16 pm
by Harroway
(( All updated on my end! Whoo hoo! ))

EDIT - Looks like you did everything I would have done, Blue! Don't think you missed anything. :)