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Two mares looking for a song.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:12 pm
by Shades of Venus
In the past I didn't have much time to form or join a song. I won my very first Sam, Glitter,
in a breeding raffle. I'd love to join my two Sams into songs so I could particpate in breedings and
role plays. I would very much be interested in starting a RP so I can start devloping my mare's characters.

Here are the two Mares I have that are looking for songs:

Traits: Scales, Kirin Horn, Draconic Wings, Upright Ears, Tufted Tail

Traits: Draconic Wings, Tufted Tail, Head Mane, Pure Black Eyes

Re: Two mares looking for a song.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:21 pm
by LvSoulFriend
((FYI, if you are looking to breed your mares, then they need to be in a Song. If you're just looking to be able to breed any Sam, you don't need to have your mares in a Song.

Also, you can check out the matchmaker threads in the Sam discussion area :) ))