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Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:00 am
by LvSoulFriend
((RP by invitation only please, thanks!))
RP is for potential and future members for the Song of the Variegated Mimics. Location starts out in a jungle-type setting, and may end up moving elsewhere. We'll see where the mimics decide to go XD
((Charge is a youngish stallion, looking to form his own Song. Unfortunately for him, all of the mares that he has encountered so far, have turned down his offers. Whether it's due to his looks of something else, he doesn't know.))
Charge shoved his way through the jungle, not caring if he knocked plants over. He was in one of his moods again. He huffed and whuffed as he trod onwards, too angry to really vocalize more than that. Thoughts churning, he continued his blind march through the jungle, until he ran into a tree that was a bit more sturdy than the other vegetation he'd crushed.
Presented with the perfect outlet for his frustrations, he proceeded to vent his anger in the only way he knew possible.
Wham! Bang! Crack! Crunch! Pausing, he stared down at the splintered remains of a young tree. Sighing, he turned and found one of the many trails winding through the jungle. This one headed towards the river. Drained of the anger and frustration he felt from being turned down by yet another mare, he planned to soak until evening. Maybe there would be some fallen fruit he could munch on.
Mares. Who needed them anyways?
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:01 am
by Origami_Dragon
((Chirp is a bit of a happy-go-lucky highly curious young mare who isn't sure she's ready to settle down in a Song just yet. She's actually from a much cooler climate further north than the jungle, but she's exploring the world.))
Thud! Thud! Crash! Thwap! The sounds of destruction echoed through the jungle, ringing through the air, and making Chirp's long, sensitive ears flinch at every new addition to the racket. The ruckus had long since driven her out of the air and left her clinging to a tree, shaking her head near franticly to try and clear it of the persistent reverberations that confused her echolocation ability and left her feeling three quarters blind as she was forced to navigate by sight alone.
None of her efforts were working though, and the auditory chaos only seemed to be getting worse. It finally culminated in a near deafening (to her) explosion of sound directly under her tree perch as in a flurry of activity a much smaller tree all but exploded under the onslaught of something grey and apparently very, very angry.
Chirp remained motionless for a long while as the echoes faded, leaving only the normal sounds of the jungle, including the faint crunch of the tree-killer's sudden peaceful retreat. Slowly Chirp's long, long ears began to twitch and turn to follow those sounds. What had that all been about? The same lively curiosity that had brought her so far from home to this jungle began to stir again, and after a moment's hesitation the young mare spread her wings and began to glide after the strange grey angry one. Hopefully they wouldn't resume their disorienting rampage anytime soon.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:42 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Charge hadn't noticed his curious shadow. Reaching the river, he splashed in, settling down with a groan. Cool water, in the heat of the day, felt wonderful. So wet and buoyant, it was just as good as wallowing in a mud hole. Better, in some ways, because you stayed cooler longer.
Sighing softly, he dipped his nose into the water, and started blowing bubbles. Making bubbles, and then popping them, was one of the ways he was able to relieve frustration. Something simple, and no one ever got hurt from it.
Glancing back towards the shore, he winced, and felt a bit of remorse for trashing the jungle that way. Squinting, he focused a bit better. Yes, just as he thought, he'd plowed right though the banana trees that had been growing there. He'd have to see if there was any chance of saving the saplings he'd bent later.
Stupid females, was his main thought, sinking deeper into the water. None of them ever like me. Why do I even bother?
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:40 pm
by Janalee
((Just in case she needs a more formal introduction, Ghost of the Jungle Eve is sweet, lazy, practical...and more than a bit farsighted. ^^))
Ghost raised her head reluctantly from her meal as the distant crashing sounds continued. There were always plenty of sounds in the jungle, to be sure, but these seemed more violent and persistent than normal; perhaps they warranted an investigation, after all. With a sigh, and one last bite for good measure, she slowly took off towards the noise, chewing thoughtfully the while.
As she drew somewhat closer, the sounds
naturally died down, just leaving the usual ones in their wake and her without a guide besides her memory. The mare couldn't help but smile amusedly, tempted to just go back to eating after all; still, it seemed a shame to come this far and still not know what it had been. Might as well continue.
From a distance, she finally spotted the swath of destroyed vegetation, answering her question of whether or not she had been heading in the right direction, but leading to even more questions as well. Who would have done this, and where were they? Should she be scared of them? Angered by the assault on her jungle? Or simply more curious?
It really wasn't any of those motivations that ultimately moved her though; she just hated seeing all those plants go to
waste like that. Spending a few more moments trying to hear or smell anyone who might be around, she decided it seemed safe enough to plod cautiously towards the downed tree at the end of the clearing anyway. Reaching it, she turned her attentions towards deciding which were the most delectable leaves and tender twigs, nearly forgetting her reason for being there; she did make an honest attempt to be silent, but it was certainly possible that someone with good hearing might know she was there anyway.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:20 am
by AsaraDragon
Joy was splashing happily in the river, mindful of nothing else but the droplets sparkling in the sun as she sent water flying everywhere. This was one of her favorite places in the whole jungle. The water was calm and clear, and there were several rocks nearby that were perfect for jumping off or laying on to dry after a good swim.
In fact, she thought to herself as she looked around at her surroundings, a snooze was probably in order. She trotted out of the water, shook herself, and climbed up on the nearest rock. Flopping down on her back, she drifted off with a silly smile on her face, lulled into peaceful slumber by the heat of the day.
((I didn't want to overwhelm Charge with curious mares right away, so I thought I'd just put Joy nearby but out of earshot of what's going on so that maybe she can come across everyone a bit later, or perhaps they'll find her first! She's a pretty carefree spirit, but fond of her little comforts, especially a nice place to swim.))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:01 am
by Origami_Dragon
Chirp followed the no longer rampaging other only as far as the edge of the trees, perching again as he continued on to the river. Once all four taloned feet had found a good grip on the rough bark she peeked her head out between the leaves and began examining the stranger. Not just with her eyes, but after a moment with sound as well. A steady string of high pitched squeaks was sent bouncing off of him, getting what to her was a far better picture. She prefered to rely on vision mostly for color, so far not having found a way to identify that by the returning sound waves.
The bat-like Sam was just leaning out to try and find an angle where she could get her sound waves down to his head and figure out what he was up to now when a new sound from behind struck her, and the male turned around. With one shrill peep Chirp pulled back into the leaves. She's seen and heard enough to determine that he was probably another Samanayr, and she had found that most didn't really like to discover you examining them from afar. Anyways, that new sound needed investigating too.
It didn't seem that the former rampager had noticed her yet as he had turned back around and wallowed himself further down into the river. Chirp continued to visually observe him, but her long ears tilted around to listed for the sounds behind her. Too many trees in the way to try echolocating that way without more reason. But it sounded like just normal jungle sounds now; probably just something scavenging all the bits of fruit that had wound up on the ground while the trees were being destroyed.
That being decided, Chirp turned her full attention back to the river and its now depressed looking occupant. Well, she'd determined that there were no wings to be found there, so it was probably safe enough to fly over. Unhooking her talons from the tree she launched out over the river, dipping and swerving as she kited across the river to land on an old fallen tree and peep inquisitively at him.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:25 am
by LvSoulFriend
((Whoops, should have posted faster XD Was going to have the rock that Joy settled on be Charge XD Will have to wait for that to happen!))
After sinking deeper into the water, Charge had started to doze off, lulled by the now-peaceful jungle, and the sounds of flowing water. One ear twitched as it took in the sounds of something moving in the forest. As far as Charge knew, he was the only Samanayr in this area of the jungle. Which meant that it was some small creature, taking advantage of the fruit on the ground.
That nap, however, was interrupted by squeaking sounds. The ear twitched again, then flicked rapidly, as it trying to make the sounds go away. Then the other ear started twitching too. Snorting, Charge shook his head, irritated, thinking that this was some new annoying bug, come to bother him.
Blinking away water, he stared. That was definitely no bug. Instead, it was some creature, who seemed to be interested in him. Startled and a bit surprised, as he had thought that he was alone, he tried to back away, without taking his eyes off of whatever it was. As a result, his legs went out from underneath him with a loud 'splash!', and he landed back in the river, water going up his nose. Snorting it out, he blinked rapidly.
This day was not turning out like he had expected. First the flatland mares had laughed at him, then he'd wrecked his banana trees, now there was some strange creature in front of him.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:15 am
by Puuka
((Hey guys! I'm just peeking in for the moment! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to show up yet. I really do want to join in and have you all meet Drifter, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and type up a post. We've been so busy this week getting ready for a massive garage sale, since moving, which starts today. I'll hopefully be available tonight, now that everything's set up, to join in :3 - that is after the buying people go away xD
See you all soon <3 ))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:58 am
by Origami_Dragon
As the stranger's eye focused on her with irritation rapidly changing to shock, Chirp leaned forwards on her tree perch. Her ears perked up and her mouth opened to greet him, but then she flinched back at the loud splash of him loosing his footing. But her hesitation didn't last long before she perked back up with interest and spoke in a rather high pitched, sing-song voice. "I fyrighten the tyree slayeyr? Why do I fyrighten the slayeyr of tyrees? Have you neveyr seen a bat befoyre maybe? Lots haven't I suppose... Do I scayre you?"
She tilted her head at him, eyes wide with interest and ears fully lifted despite the risk of another sound explosion. Without giving him a chance to answer her first questions she contiued. "Why did you kill the tyrees anyways? Did they insult youyr motheyr peyrhaps? I've neveyr heayrd a tyree talk...I'd like to some day... Do you talk to them?" Her voice faded into tones of whispy, daydreaming delight as she brought up the subject of conversations with trees. Chirp rather thought that sounded nice. She'd like to know what trees thought.
Seeming to forget for a moment the barage of questions that she had just fired at the strange male, Chirp drifted off into a little daydream of talking with trees, staring off into space, not noticing that she was starting to slip off the fallen tree trunk.
((I have no idea where Chirp came up with the idea that trees insulted Charge's mother...but she insisted I must let her ask him about that...))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:58 am
by LvSoulFriend
((*giggles* Chirp is so cute! *snugs her*))
"What ... what ayre you?" was the first thing Charge could think of. He had no idea what a bat was. He'd lived a very solitary life since becoming an adult, minus the times when he'd sought out mares to form a Song. As such, he was very unused to contact with others. Little did he know, he was about to have at least one more visitor.
Thoughts scrambling, he tried to come up with answers to the bat's questions. "You don't fyrighten me, I just wasn't expecting to see anyone else heyre. I didn't mean to kill the tyrees," he looked over his shoulder a bit guiltily. "I was just upset, and didn't see where I was going." He blinked at the bat, surprised, "Tyrees can't talk, so no, they didn't insult my motheyr." The stupid flatland mares had, he thought.
Interested now in this stranger, he watched curiously. Sniffing the air, he blinked again. Female. The strange bat-creature was female. Sigh. He hoped she wasn't going to be nasty like those flatland mares. Though, to be honest, she was odd-looking to him as well.
He shifted then, adjusting his position. Sitting in the mud wasn't always comfortable.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:15 pm
by Origami_Dragon
((Alright, enough with being lazy. And perhaps Chirp's reaction here will encourage some of the other mares to head over this way now too. XD))
At the male's question Chirp tilted her head and warbled, "I'm a Samanayr of couyrse, like you ayre! I think. You ayre a Samanayr ayren't you?" She rattled off another barrage of echolocating squeaks at him. True, he didn't really sound like most of the kin she had encountered with that thick skin. But she didn't really resemble most of them either. So maybe he was special too, like she was.
She grinned broadly at his denial of fear. "Oh good. I do hate being afyraid of. But why wouldn't theyre be anyone else heyre? It's a nice foyrest. Is it youyrs?" She wrinkled her brow and leaned a bit further over the edge of the tree as he stated that he didn't see the trees. How did you miss trees? And then she sighed. "They don't? That's a shame. I yreally did want to talk to a tyree... I guess I'll just ha- EEEEeeeeeeeEEee"
Chirp's slow advancing towards the edge of the perch had suddenly gone too far. Not being quite as stable balancing on her wing-feet as a normal Sam on all fours would be, when she leaned just a bit too far out the bat-Sam lost her footing and went tumbling down to the ground with an ear piercing shriek that probably could have shattered glass had there been any in the jungle. The sound cut off abruptly as she landed on her head and flipped over, winding up flat on her back staring at the tree trunk she had but recently been perched on.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:36 pm
by LvSoulFriend
"Of course I'm a Samanayr! Just, well, a styrange looking one. At least, that's what they say." He was hoping to not have to go any further into detail. He didn't know why he'd been born like this, his parents had been perfectly normal, for jungle Sams. His mother had muttered something about mango every time he'd asked her, so eventually, he just gave up. And avoided mangos. Which was a pity, because he really did like them. His ears flicked again, as she uttered more squeaks. High-pitched, to be sure, but somehow, they weren't as annoying as they had been. He shook his head at the thought, and refocused.
"No one else lives here. Otheyrs don't like coming this deep into the jungle. Theyre's some soyrt of cyreatuyre that I've heayrd late at night, and snakes. They'd yrather avoid them." He shrugged then, "They don't botheyr me. I've leayrned to leave the snakes alone, and find good shelteyr at night." Was the forest his? He'd never considered that before. He looked around him then, almost seeing it with new eyes. "I suppose you might call this ayrea mine, though I've neveyr thought of it that way. Just, a place to live." Wasn't home, not really. Home meant family, and warmth, and comfort. There was nothing warm and comfortable about sleeping alone in a cold cave.
When she fell, he jumped. Any living thing in the area would have, with the noise she made. Ears flat against his neck, he stared at her for a moment. Seeing her laying there, he moved forward, sloshing through the water. Arriving next to her, he stared down, "Ayre you alright? You'yre not huyrt, ayre you?"
((Eeee, she's so cute! *snugs*))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:40 pm
by Janalee
At Charge's falling splash, Ghost froze in place, only her ears and eyes shifting towards the river; maybe she shouldn't have come to the clearing after all. As she caught the unexpected sounds of voices though- ones with Samanayr accents, no less!- she relaxed again, tempted to laugh in relief. Surely other Sams out here couldn't be that bad, could they?
Well, maybe they could be; she'd heard some awful stories about Miseries and Sa'kriens before, though she'd never actually seen one. The mare's face scrunched into a thoughtful expression as she considered what to do; she rather suspected many of those stories had just been exaggerated to keep foals in line, and it wasn't like she knew what species the two out there were anyway. Certainly a better look, and a fair bit of friendly eavesdropping, was in order.
Having made up her mind, she grabbed one last twig with her trunk, before sneaking quietly behind some of the undergrowth closer to the river. What she could see of the other Sams intrigued her; she was sure she'd never met any who looked quite like either before. It was the conversation that really captured her interest though; she was surprised the stallion hadn't laughed aloud at some of the mare's energetic questions. She nearly had, after all; only by shoving the twig she had saved quickly into her mouth had she managed to keep quiet, and even that was a close call. Definitely an interesting pair, these two; she wondered idly if they were both planning to stay here, or if they were just passing through. It's be rather nice if it was the former; it'd give her a greater chance to listen to them both again.
As she was distracting herself with these daydreams, she nearly missed Chirp falling out of her tree; there was no way she could miss her scream, though. Completely shocked by the sound, Ghost leapt upward, involuntarily landing in the more open part of the clearing. Still without really thinking about anything more than her immediate concern for this other mare, she took a few worried steps closer to the pair, and followed up Charge's questions with one of her own.
"Do you need any help heyre?"
((Hehe, I definitely have to agree with LvSoulFriend's last comment. ^^ Poor Chirp...))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:01 am
by AsaraDragon
((Apologies to everyone, but I think I will be withdrawing Joy from the RP, as Blue's mystic seems to have caught her eye. Lv, if you'd like me to RP an exit for her, I could certainly try... I feel badly for her "ooh, shiny" behavior here! ))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:10 am
by LvSoulFriend
(( XD No worries! Hope you're able to find a good stallion for her!))
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 6:34 am
by Origami_Dragon
((Hope Joy is happy with her Mystic boy! He's lovely!
Heh, sometimes I think cute characters are my specialty...they're such fun to play!))
Fortunately for Chirp, in her efforts to save herself from falling she had spread her wings wide, and so they had not been caught under her when she landed. Her ears had been pinned under her on landing, but they were much more flexible and forgiving of such things. It just meant that her sense of direction was...a bit confused right now. As were her thoughts in general.
"That's nice..." the mare said vaguely, in response to nothing in particular. "You weyre wyrong you know...tyrees do talk. This one is talking now. It has youyr voice..." She blinked a few times, then wrinkled her nose in confusion. "But I though it was dead...maybe only ghost tyrees talk. Now it has two voices...?"
At that Chirp began moving her wings, trying to get off her back again. They weren't designed for such maneuvers though, and while she managed, after a few tries, to get them folded back mostly to her sides, she wasn't having much luck getting herself right side up again.
Re: Mimic Madness (pre-song rp)
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:17 am
by LvSoulFriend
Charge shifted from side to side, concerned and a bit amused. Tilting his head to the side, he eased himself into the mare's field of view. "It's not the tree talking silly, it's me talking." Hearing a second voice, however, he swung his head around, startled. Blinking, he spotted the other Samanayr that had apparently come out of nowhere.
Staring, he took in her strange appearance. What in the world was she, besides a Samanayr and female. The fallen mare's movement distracted him from the new stranger, however. Besides, she didn't look like a threat. Turning back to the mare, he watched for a moment, then asked, "Anything i can do to help?" He didn't like seeing her there, looking helpless.
((*prods Charge* He's shut up now, drat him ><))