Similar to the Halloween themed Frightful Frankensams, this Frankensam will be holiday based with a more wintery/Christmassy theme. Just like usual, you choose traits, colours, and patterns, ect. but I’ll help him or her blend in with the season a little, adding a touch of red, a sprinkle of green, or maybe even a dusting of snow. You are welcome to suggest holiday features but it’s not a requirement.
This will be a sanity paced Franken, so features will be taken from randomly selected forms to create the Samanayr, and the winner will be determined randomly from all participants and disclosed once the Samanayr is finished.
Rules and info
- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Special traits can be common, uncommon, rare, or very rare. Species-specific traits are not allowed. You can see all of the traits on this page: http://samanayrs.com/traits.php
- Samanayrs don't have set patterns, so just describe a general pattern (eg, stripes, paint)
- You're welcome to edit your post before the end time.
To enter, just post the following form:
Code: Select all
[b]Color #1:[/b]
[b]Color #2:[/b]
[b]Color #3:[/b]
[b]Special trait #1:[/b]
[b]Special trait #2:[/b]