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Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:16 pm
by silvermoondragon
And the race continues, not too much farther for some to go...

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:20 pm
by silvermoondragon
With most of the racers over the last obstacle, it looks like we could have a close finish here...

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:25 pm
by silvermoondragon
And with that we have our first two placings. Hero gave a good effort, but just wasn't able to squeeze in ahead of Seeker who claimed first place.

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:26 pm
by SilverDapples
Um... Totally late, but yay Wanderer XD Such a good little birdy boy, you did me proud for your first race XD

Congrats to everyone else as well!

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:29 pm
by amazondreamer
Talk about coming from behind! Way to go Seeker!

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:29 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Congrats you two! And most of the rest of the Sams have the chance to cross next round! Could be a tight squeeze for that final balloon!

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:33 pm
by silvermoondragon
As the finish line came into sight for the last few racers, there was a furious fight to get there. Four Samanayrs arrived in a tangled clump. When everything was sorted out, Burble claimed third place, followed closely by Determination and Delight. Mystic had unfortunatly lost his cupcake right at the last dash so he had to go back a little to get it, coming in sixth.

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:35 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Congrats guys!

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:36 pm
by Origami_Dragon
And congrats again! So close, everyone who was in range to be able to reach the finish line this round did! What a finish!

And thank you for hosting the races again Silver! I always enjoy watching them.

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:36 pm
by silvermoondragon
First: Image - Oakleafwolf's Seeker of the Rushing Sanctuary
Second: Image - Yuiven's Hero of the Dangerous Waters
Third: Image - amazondreamer's Burble of Delectable Delight

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:43 pm
by amazondreamer
*squishes Burble* Well done sweetie! And congratulations to all the other racers today! It's been a great show, lots of close calls and tricky obstacles. Thanks so much for running them Silver :D

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:50 pm
by silvermoondragon
Thanks for watching and cheering on your racers! I'll let Sushi know the results and all you guys should have to do is choose the modiem type for your balloon when you equip them.

Here's a list of the prizes that were won:
Bluestarwolf12: cupcake, balloon (any modiem)
Oakleafwolf: cupcake, balloon (any modiem)
Seren: cupcake, balloon (any modiem)

LvSoulFriend: cupcake, balloon (any 2-3 point modiem)
Yuiven: cupcake, balloon (any 2-3 point modiem)
Orasteele: cupcake, balloon (any 2-3 point modiem)

Kentouma: cupcake, balloon (any 2 point modiem)
amazondreamer: cupcake, balloon (any 2 point modiem)
SilverDapples: cupcake, balloon (any 2 point modiem)

The point values for modiems can be found here:
And you can equip and choose your modiem type here:

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:18 pm
by Janalee
*has entirely too much fun catching up with the animated races*
Thanks for hosting the races again Silver, and congrats to all the winners! I can't wait to see those balloons in action sometime. :)

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:04 pm
by oakleafwolf
*Boggles at Seeker* Did you find rocket boots? did you make up that much ground?

*Seeker leans smugly against a convenient tree* "I should think it was obvious. I have a finely-tuned sense of the dyrrramatic; I simply wished to give the audience what they wyrre heyrre foyrr."

*With an expression of equal parts amusement and disbelief* Uh-huh...


Ohmigosh! That was anyone's game!

Congratulations to everyone who participated and thanks so much to Silvermoondragon for a very fun event and awesome prizes! :D

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:25 pm
by silvermoondragon
Some word on the balloons from Sushi!

- The modiem choice is permanent.

- Balloons don't take up a modiem slot during breeding. You can choose to pair up the balloon with a second modiem in the usual two modiem combinations, or have the balloon act alone and use two modiems as well.

Re: Cupcake Races

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:12 pm
by Yuiven
*watches the animated GIF replays and reads the transcripts of the races to catch up on what she missed* Whoahooow, I only just saw the results and, in all honesty, I didn't expect such a high placement for Hero of the Dangerous Waters in his first race at all! *o* It's hard to believe, but the proof is there. Oh, I am so excited right now! Before I go on about his success, I would like to congratulate Seeker of the Rushing Sanctuary for putting forth a tremendous effort to rally from being that far behind, gaining ground down the homestretch like a rocket, and capturing the lead. You deserved to taste the sweet treats of victory. There is absolutely no shame in coming second to you.

Attaboy, Hero! How impressive it is that my plucky young stallion had managed to place in the top three. Come to think of it, I believe he was also the only Aquatic to have entered the Ground/Water race. (Aquatics be represented, yo!) I am very proud of him. <3 Satisfying as the achievement is for me, Hero, on the other hand, er, fin must still be revved up on adrenaline, because he already wants to enter the next race sanctioning Aquatics to participate.

Congratulations Burble of Delectable Delight for pushing ahead of the competition to win third, and a race well run to the other competitors, regardless of placing. It was extremely close as everybody came down to the wire-- anyone could have crossed the finish line.

My congratulations to the winners of the Flying and Ground 1 races too! I am happy for all of you. ^_^

Although the turnout wasn't as great as seen in previous races, I've got a hunch more people will enter with these Balloons offered as the main prize in the future. A free, permanent modiem that doesn't take up one of the optional two modiem slots for a breeding is a deservedly coveted prize! I look forward to seeing how the Balloons will look equipped on the victorious Samanayrs, and learning which single modiem effects their owners have chosen to imbue into them. Mmm... those Cupcakes look sweet and tasty too! Upon its initial release, I had a similar feeling of trepidation in using the one-time breeding item as Ori for three reasons: first- the Cupcakes are pretty; second- what traits might become apparent when used in a breeding were previously unknown; and third- there were only a sparse handful of them. Now that more Cupcakes have been given out as prizes, and a list of which one of several traits could be inherited at random when fed to a mare before foaling has been documented, I am curious to see the various outcomes on colts and fillies next breeding season.

Thank you for hosting the Samanayr Birthday Celebration Cupcake Races, silvermoondragon! You always put an interesting, creative spin on every series of races, making them truly memorable. I was on the edge of my seat when I viewed the action-packed excitement as racers contended with a variety of obstacles such as dive-bombing dragonets, well-nigh irresistible treats, and natural hazards from the terrain itself, while precariously balancing a cupcake on their heads. That was a lot of fun, and I'm glad I participated in it. ^_^