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Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:41 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Okay, this may sound totally random and unrelated to anything important, but on the way home from my Grandma's house, my mom and I stopped at a costume shop with the intention of buying a pirate hat for some pirate themed party that my mom is helping out with. The pirate hats that they had looked really lame, but we did find a good-sized pile of drapey, velvet cloaks. My mom and I have been wanting one of those for the longest time, so she bought us each a black one. You have no idea how spazzy I am right now. I have wanted one of these for so long, if only for the sake of wearing it around the house... X3 *spazzes*

/random spazz

Just thought y'all should know. |3

Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:07 pm
by Jennalyn

I love me a good cloak. Many congratulations on finally acquiring one. It was a beautiful day for me as well when I got my first velvet cloak. I then took it up another notch at the Ren Fest the year I graduated high school and bought myself a winter cloak. Wore that thing around campus every winter for four years. I was... noticeable, to say the least. xD

Me on Halloween '06.


Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:58 pm
by Sushidragon
Ooh, what fun XD The only time I got to wear a cloak was my only attempt at LARPing, but it was quite enjoyable. Wear your cloak with pride!

Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:15 pm
by Echos
Oh, I am sooo jealous! I've been wanting a cloak for years but my mother was always of the opinion that they were impractical and silly. Now that I am in college and no longer have to take her opinion into account I am planning to make myself one or two this summer :twisted:

Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:24 pm
by Eirnae
I hear you there, Echos! I love cloaks, probably always will, but have never owned one. My splurging as far as "noticeable garb" was to get a leather duster some years back. Yup, I still wear it during the colder months. It helps that I love "The Dresden Files" book series. ;)

Darn you, Bluestar and Jenn! You have awakened my longing for cloaky goodness! :o After laying dormant for so many years, it demands satisfaction! *Tries to flee!*

Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:49 pm
by silvermoondragon
Yes, cloaks and capes are very cool. I've always wanted something like Neo wears in the Matrix...

Re: Dude. I have a cloak.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:42 pm
by Littlewolfe
Cloaks are smexy and fun to wear! I've never had one of those nice ones like you were able to get, but I've gotten the cheapy ones. I loved wearing cloaks for parties and whatever occasion I could get away with it. But now I get so torn because I have a spiffy red tail that I love wearing too! The tail can't be seen if I wear the cloak DX