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Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib RESULTS

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:38 pm
by amazondreamer
Attention: After consulting with Sushi I have added one additional rule, asking people to refrain from using "real world" or "modern" terms in their form. It's not major and will not affect most participants. In order to give everyone a chance to review their submissions and modify them if necessary the end date of this contest has been pushed out to Friday February 17 at 4:00 PM Central/2:00 PM Pacific.

Nobody will be disqualified or punished if their form contains "modern" terms, but a more appropriate synonym may be substituted, for example "microwave" to "hearth," if the term ends up in the final Mad Lib.

Please, if you have any questions or concerns about the updated rules, don't hesitate to ask here or PM me!


In honor of Valentines I will be running not one but two ultra-romantic Mad Lib games! These are officially sanctioned game with some awesome prizes waiting to be claimed, so get your thinking cap on and dust off your dictionary it’s time to play Mad Libs!

If you’re not familiar with Mad Libs it’s a word based game, typically played at parties or on long car trips. There is a premade story or script with missing words and the object is for players to supply the missing words completing the story. The officiator (in this case amazondreamer) keeps the story hidden, but prompts the players for the part of speech (such as “noun”, “verb” or “food”) needed to fill in the blank. An example could be as follows.
Her eyes shone like two noun plural, and her hair was as adjective as animal fur.
Since the players don’t have the context of the story, the results often ends up comical on nonsensical like
Her eyes shone like two frying pans, and her hair was as tart as boar fur.
There are two separate Mad Lib games which will take place over the next week, a sanity paced game and an insanity paced game. In this thread will be the sanity paced Mad Lib, where you can take your time and fill out as much or as little of the form as you like. Your entries must be completed by Tuesday February 14 at 4:00 PM Central/2:00 PM Pacific The results of this game will be randomized from all submitted forms.

For information on the insanity paced Mad Lib see this thread [LINK]

You are welcome to participate in both the sanity and insanity paced mad libs. They are two separate games, and have separate prize pools.

- Using the code from the third post, fill out as much or as little of the form as you want. Please do not alter the formatting of the code.
- For “Trait” prompts do not use unique or species-specific traits. You can see all of the traits on this page:
- Everyone who submits a form, whether or not their words are used, will be entered in for the prize pool.
- As always keep your content “PG” rated ;)
New Rule added 2/12- Please refrain from using "modern" or "real world" terms in your form. This is to try and keep world integrity.

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:38 pm
by amazondreamer
Just so we’re all on the same page, here are some of the terms which may be encountered over the course of the Mad Lib with a short definition.

Noun: a noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place or thing; for example “puppy”, “tree”, “river”, “berry.” Do not use proper nouns like “Joe Montana” or “Central Park”.

Adjective: an adjective is a describing word, usually used to modify a noun. For examples of adjectives check out this site

Verb: a verb is the part of speech that conveys an action (bring, read, walk, learn) or a state of being (be, exist, stand). Don’t worry about the conjugation of the verb (run/runs/running/ran etc), I’ll put the verb in whatever form is needed to fit the Mad Lib.

All of the other prompts will be self explanatory :)

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:44 pm
by amazondreamer
This is the form for the Sanity Paced Mad Lib. Just copy the contents of the box below into your post and fill in as many or as few of the prompts as you want to, I know 31 is a lot of blanks to fill in :)

Code: Select all

[size=150] [b] Sanity Paced Mad Lib [/b][/size]
[b] Username:[/b]
[b]4) Verb:[/b]
[b]5) Adjective:[/b]
[b]6) Noun:[/b]
[b]7) Pattern:[/b]
[b]8) Color:[/b]
[b]9) Body Part:[/b]
[b]10) Trait:[/b]	
[b]11) Adjective:[/b]
[b]12) Trait:[/b]
[b]13) Adjective:[/b]
[b]14) Verb:[/b]
[b]15) Location:[/b]
[b]16) Trait:[/b]
[b]17) Personality Trait:[/b]
[b]18) Adjective:[/b]
[b]19) Noun:[/b]
[b]20) Adjective:[/b]
[b]21) Body part:[/b]
[b]22) Color:[/b]
[b]23) Foot Trait:[/b]
[b]24) Adjective:[/b]
[b]25) Noun:[/b]
[b]26) Adjective:[/b]
[b]27) Adjective:[/b]
[b]28) Noun:[/b]
[b]29) Verb:[/b]
[b]31) Noun:[/b]

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:45 pm
by amazondreamer

And finally the results are in! Together we have composed a pair of love letters! The first is the sanity paced Mad Lib, and the second is the insanity paced Mad Lib. Sushi has created the Sams described in these two letters and they have been awarded to participants along with some modiems and tradeable items! The stallion's owner will need to set up a Song for them. The owners can choose if the Song is a pair Song or if they will be open to other mares.

Flash of the White Gem goes to Delicious
Jennalyn wins a Sweetscent Flower Image
Kagari wins Silver Bark Image
Nighthenge wins Tandil Berries Image
Oakleafwolf wins a Gleamstone Image
SilverDapples wins a Pattern Modiem Image
Pristine Wins a Color Modiem Image

My Dearest Flash,

I cannot sleep for the need to be with you! Your copper locks, hunting over your angled brow... I cannot imagine the frog without the shifting tiger stripes of your emerald hide dancing before my eyes! Nay, for though your antlers are brave, your feathered tufts have never been more vibrant to me!

The first time I beheld you, smacking in the meadow, your otter tail held high and proud, I knew that you were the mare for me. With your morose disposition and your cool wit, you shine as bright as all the leaves! You are the most fresh creature I have ever known; you are perfect from the tip of your ears to the bottom of your gold spikes.

If ever there has been a mare more handy than you, all the braclets in the world would be luminous.

Your clumsiest admirer,
Fruit of the Crashing Meadow
To my clumsiest admirer,

I must admit, your letter made me quite jealous. For too long there has been a sadness in my heart as well! I ran to speak of my feelings, though, for I did not think you would dance a fair mare like me. You are so silver and pale, and your giant feathered wings are the largest I’ve ever seen!

The mere thought of your cranberry scales is enough to make my heart snort all day long! I long to skip with you beside me, your black paws wrapped protectively around me. I would admire your tribal hide leaping in the sunlight and your blue mane sweeping on the breeze!

If you should ever want someone to swim with or sigh over your bioluminesence... please think of me! I would dash with you through the forest, and think only angry things about you! You make the rock sniff! You are the sun to my hoof! The rock to my cat! Truly I say, you are my soul-squirrel.

Forever yours,
Flash of the White Gem
Selected Words

1) Flash from Oakleafwolf
2) Sleep from LvSoulFriend
3) Copper from Origami_Dragon
4) Hunt from Tbiris
5) Angled from Pristine
6) Frog from Shaybaby
7) Tiger Stripes from Pathos
8) Emerald from Jennalyn
9) Eyes from Wolfrysk
10) Antlers from RikkuGirl
11) Brave from Raitalle
12) Feathered Tufts from Pathos
13) Vibrant from Oakleafwolf
14) Smack from Pristine
15) Meadow from PoisonedPromise
16) Otter Tail from Kagari
17) Morose from Pristine
18) Cool from Faitalle
19) Leaf from Jennalyn
20) Fresh from Origami Dragon
21) Ears from Seren
22) Gold from SunBlind
23) Spikes from Orasteele
24) Handy from silvermoondragon
25) Bracelet from Nighthenge
26) luminous from delicious
27) Clumsy from Esperanza
28) Fruit from AsaraDragon
29) Crash from Sunblind
30) Meadow from silverdapples


1) Seren
2) LvSoulFriend
3) Bluestarwolf12
4) SilverDapples
5) Jennalyn
6) Origami_Dragon
7) Pristine
8) AsaraDragon
9) RikkuGirl
10) Raitalle
11) HybridSiren
12) Tbiris
13) Kagari
14) Shaybaby
15) Silvermoondragon
16) Esperanza
17) Nighthenge
18) PoisonedPromise
19) Varuna
20) Pathos
21) Zincht
22) Oakleafwolf
23) Janalee
24) SunBlind
25) Delicious
26) Wolfrysk
27) Orasteele

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:05 pm
by Seren
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Seren
2)Verb: Flipping
3)Color: Gold
4) Verb: Tripping
5) Adjective: Roly-poly
6) Noun: Rose
7) Pattern:Curlicues
8) Color:Ivory
9) Body Part: Muzzle
10) Trait: Ignis
11) Adjective: Lovely
12) Trait: Giant Wings
13) Adjective:Nymph-like
14) Verb: Diving
15) Location:Hot Spring
16) Trait:Fancy Feahers
17) Personality Trait: Grumpy
18) Adjective:Stunning
19) Noun: Reflection
20) Adjective: Transparent
21) Body part: Ears
22) Color: Cobalt Blue
23) Foot Trait:Extensive Foot Tufts? (if not, then Tendril Fins)
24) Adjective: Terror
25) Noun: Fawn
26) Adjective: Monstrous
27) Adjective: Breathtaking
28) Noun: Bells
29) Verb: Falling
31) Noun: Heat

I was so random with my choices. XD

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:21 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: LvSoulFriend
1)Verb: eating
2)Verb: sleeping
3)Color: purple
4) Verb: coloring
5) Adjective: sleepy
6) Noun: cat
7) Pattern: tiger stripes
8) Color: green
9) Body Part: wings
10) Trait: giant feather wings
11) Adjective: brave
12) Trait: double horns
13) Adjective: friendly
14) Verb: flying
15) Location: forest
16) Trait: scales
17) Personality Trait: curious
18) Adjective: spazz
19) Noun: dragon
20) Adjective: sad
21) Body part: back
22) Color: brown
23) Foot Trait: paws
24) Adjective: earthy
25) Noun: book
26) Adjective: gifted
27) Adjective: warm
28) Noun: cake
29) Verb: sleeping
31) Noun: cream puffs

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:27 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Bluestarwolf12
1)Verb: Feuding
2)Verb: Escalating
3)Color: Black
4) Verb: Grimacing
5) Adjective: Expressive
6) Noun: Whisker
7) Pattern: Polka-Dots
8) Color: Light Green
9) Body Part: Ear
10) Trait: Hairless
11) Adjective: Dutiful
12) Trait: Draconic Wings
13) Adjective: Snarled
14) Verb: Grappling
15) Location: Northern Ocean
16) Trait: Fangs
17) Personality Trait: Thoughtful
18) Adjective: Disjointed
19) Noun: Grass
20) Adjective: Sorrowful
21) Body part: Leg
22) Color: Dark Teal
23) Foot Trait: Triple Hooves
24) Adjective: Recluse
25) Noun: Air
26) Adjective: Noble
27) Adjective: Trustful
28) Noun: Ledge
29) Verb: Carving
31) Noun: Fire

Thank you, random word and number generators for your kind assistance in this task. |D

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:34 pm
by SilverDapples
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: SilverDapples
1)Verb: Walking
2)Verb: Sleeping
3)Color: Blue
4) Verb: Hunting
5) Adjective: Hungry
6) Noun: Stream
7) Pattern: Zebra Stripes
8) Color: Green
9) Body Part: Tail
10) Trait: Giant Wings
11) Adjective: Happy
12) Trait: Florae
13) Adjective: Spazzy
14) Verb: Flying
15) Location: Lake
16) Trait: Rabbit Ears
17) Personality Trait: Crazy
18) Adjective: Jumpy
19) Noun: Emu
20) Adjective: Wiggly
21) Body part: Nose
22) Color: Black
23) Foot Trait: Hooks
24) Adjective: Windy
25) Noun: Mother
26) Adjective: Frosty
27) Adjective: Strong
28) Noun: Pie
29) Verb: Playing
31) Noun: Meadow

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:32 pm
by Jennalyn
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Jennalyn
1) Verb: Trip
2) Verb: Hoot
3) Color: Periwinkle
4) Verb: Frolic
5) Adjective: Bitter
6) Noun: Pumpkin
7) Pattern: Paisley
8) Color: Emerald
9) Body Part: Shoulder
10) Trait: Mini
11) Adjective: Rapid
12) Trait: Leg Wings
13) Adjective: Verbose
14) Verb: Warble
15) Location: Underground
16) Trait: Round Hooves
17) Personality Trait: Socially awkward
18) Adjective: Enormous
19) Noun: Leaf
20) Adjective: Colorful
21) Body part: Whisker
22) Color: Chartreuse
23) Foot Trait: Tentacles
24) Adjective: Pristine
25) Noun: Hatbox
26) Adjective: Careful
27) Adjective: Leaky
28) Noun: Scale
29) Verb: Cavort
31) Noun: Glass

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:58 am
by Origami_Dragon
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Origami_Dragon
1)Verb: Dive
2)Verb: Sweep
3)Color: Copper
4) Verb: Hunt
5) Adjective: Tiny
6) Noun: Bird
7) Pattern: Sunset gradient
8) Color: Teal
9) Body Part: Ear
10) Trait: Scales
11) Adjective: Shimmery
12) Trait: Scythe Claw
13) Adjective: Elegant
14) Verb:Gallop
15) Location: Mountain top
16) Trait: Flame Hair
17) Personality Trait: Solemn
18) Adjective: Swift
19) Noun: Leaf
20) Adjective: Fresh
21) Body part: Eyelash
22) Color: Silver
23) Foot Trait: Clawed Paws
24) Adjective: Deep
25) Noun: Scroll
26) Adjective: Old
27) Adjective: New
28) Noun: Elephant
29) Verb: Flow
31) Noun: Statue

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:07 am
by Pristine
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Pristine
1)Verb: Fall
2)Verb: Plump
3)Color: Magenta
4) Verb: Tweak
5) Adjective: Angled
6) Noun: Glue
7) Pattern: Giraffe spots
8) Color: Periwinkle
9) Body Part: Nose
10) Trait: Spectral Wings (butterfly)
11) Adjective: Shady
12) Trait: Unicorn Horn
13) Adjective: Sparkly
14) Verb: Smack
15) Location: A mountain's summit
16) Trait: Mini
17) Personality Trait: Morose
18) Adjective: Bouncy
19) Noun: Toenail
20) Adjective: Smooth
21) Body part: Ankle
22) Color: Neon purple
23) Foot Trait: Round Hooves
24) Adjective: Prehensile
25) Noun: Bee
26) Adjective: Wrinkled
27) Adjective: Enormous
28) Noun: Ball
29) Verb: Pluck
31) Noun: Rope

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:05 am
by AsaraDragon
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
4) Verb:eat
5) Adjective:flat
6) Noun:river
7) Pattern:speckled
8) Color:yellow
9) Body Part:inner ear
10) Trait:giant tail wings
11) Adjective:sweet
12) Trait:unicorn horn
13) Adjective:lazy
14) Verb:think
15) Location:beach
16) Trait:extensive foot tufts
17) Personality Trait:grumpy
18) Adjective:bright
19) Noun:leaf
20) Adjective:soft
21) Body part:toe
22) Color:white
23) Foot Trait:triple hooves
24) Adjective:bland
25) Noun:pebble
26) Adjective:silly
27) Adjective:warm
28) Noun:fruit
29) Verb:plop
31) Noun:foal


Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:44 pm
by RikkuGirl
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: RikkuGirl
1)Verb: Skip
2)Verb: Frolic
3)Color: Turquoise
4) Verb: Speak
5) Adjective: Odd
6) Noun: Squirrel
7) Pattern: Giraffe
8) Color: Light Purple
9) Body Part: Big Toe
10) Trait: Antlers
11) Adjective: Mad
12) Trait: Belly Mane
13) Adjective: Lazy
14) Verb: Laugh
15) Location: Island
16) Trait: Combination Wings (Butterfly x Feathered)
17) Personality Trait: Impatient
18) Adjective: Worried
19) Noun: Bottle Cap
20) Adjective: Tall
21) Body part: Rump
22) Color: White
23) Foot Trait: Paws
24) Adjective: Lonely
25) Noun: Tree Stump
26) Adjective: Fluffy
27) Adjective: Flustered
28) Noun: Candle
29) Verb: Squealed
31) Noun: Rainbow

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:32 pm
by Raitalle
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Raitalle
1)Verb: Submerge
2)Verb: Misconceive
3)Color: Peacock blue
4) Verb: Glimpse
5) Adjective: Shifty
6) Noun: Rug
7) Pattern: Plaid
8) Color: Reddish-brown
9) Body Part: Little toe
10) Trait: Stone hooves
11) Adjective: Brave
12) Trait: Feather-tufted ears
13) Adjective: Loose
14) Verb: Entail
15) Location: Home
16) Trait: Fluffy
17) Personality Trait: Childish
18) Adjective: Cool
19) Noun: Shell
20) Adjective: Complex
21) Body part: Nose
22) Color: Grey
23) Foot Trait: Solid hooves
24) Adjective: Wide
25) Noun: Reed
26) Adjective: Rare
27) Adjective: Divided
28) Noun: Pepper
29) Verb: Request
31) Noun: Water

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:33 pm
by HybridSiren
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: HybridSiren
1)Verb: skating
2)Verb: flipping
3)Color: cyan
4) Verb: dancing
5) Adjective: exuberant
6) Noun: pony
7) Pattern: tiger stripe
8) Color: neon green
9) Body Part: knee
10) Trait: rabbit ears
11) Adjective: transparent
12) Trait: head wings
13) Adjective: bright
14) Verb: building
15) Location: Los Angeles
16) Trait: Posterior Wings
17) Personality Trait: silly
18) Adjective: crazy
19) Noun: puppy
20) Adjective: sincerely
21) Body part: leg
22) Color: black
23) Foot Trait: stone hooves
24) Adjective: happily
25) Noun: mouse
26) Adjective: heartily
27) Adjective: giddily
28) Noun: mom
29) Verb: ran
31) Noun: butterfly

I yelled to my mom "name me a noun!" etc for a lot of these too. xD Hehe.

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:08 pm
by tbiris
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: tbiris
1)Verb: Flow
2)Verb: Sing
3)Color: Green
4) Verb: Hunt
5) Adjective: Kind
6) Noun: Mouse
7) Pattern: Spiral
8) Color: Black
9) Body Part: Nose
10) Trait: Mini
11) Adjective: Cold
12) Trait: Giant Wings
13) Adjective: Slow
14) Verb: Carve
15) Location: Park
16) Trait:Feather tufted ears
17) Personality Trait: Brave
18) Adjective: Bright
19) Noun: book
20) Adjective:neat
21) Body part:Toes
22) Color: Blue
23) Foot Trait: Full tufts
24) Adjective: fluffy
25) Noun: Ocean
26) Adjective: Vicious
27) Adjective: Free
28) Noun: Home
29) Verb: Fly
31) Noun: Dragon

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:17 pm
by Kagari
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Kagari
1)Verb: cavort
2)Verb: twirl
3)Color: taupe
4) Verb: recoil
5) Adjective: windswept
6) Noun: potato skins (changed)
7) Pattern: plaid
8) Color: eggshell white
9) Body Part: rump
10) Trait: tentacles
11) Adjective: boisterous
12) Trait: chin beard
13) Adjective: clingy
14) Verb: chortle
15) Location: the roof (changed)
16) Trait: otter tail
17) Personality Trait: haughty
18) Adjective: twitchy
19) Noun: a fish scale (changed)
20) Adjective: short
21) Body part: back of the knee
22) Color: olive green
23) Foot Trait: smelly! I mean clawed paws...
24) Adjective: shiny
25) Noun: gerbil
26) Adjective: horizontal
27) Adjective: crinkly
28) Noun: lint (changed)
29) Verb: wrestle
31) Noun: shark

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:20 pm
by shaybaby
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: ShayBaby
1)Verb: Breathe
2)Verb: Frolic
3)Color: Salmon
4) Verb: Crunch
5) Adjective: Flavorful
6) Noun: Frog
7) Pattern: Leopard
8) Color: Onyx
9) Body Part: Belly
10) Trait: Mini
11) Adjective: Shy
12) Trait: Beak
13) Adjective: Touchy
14) Verb: Boogie
15) Location: In the sky
16) Trait: Feathered Wings
17) Personality Trait: Awkward
18) Adjective: Loving
19) Noun: Tooth
20) Adjective: Tiny
21) Body part: Tail
22) Color: White
23) Foot Trait: Round Hooves
24) Adjective: Slippery
25) Noun: Pepper
26) Adjective: Minty
27) Adjective: Perforated
28) Noun: Cloud
29) Verb: Scurry
31) Noun: Pancake

Fun stuff. x}

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:41 am
by silvermoondragon
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: silvermoondragon
1)Verb: splash
2)Verb: struggle
3)Color: blue
4) Verb: parade
5) Adjective: ghostly
6) Noun: blob
7) Pattern: speckles
8) Color: black
9) Body Part: hind quarters
10) Trait: tentacles
11) Adjective: shiny
12) Trait: scales
13) Adjective: dusty
14) Verb: try
15) Location: valley
16) Trait: head wings
17) Personality Trait: cautious
18) Adjective: spunky
19) Noun: pine cone
20) Adjective: spiny
21) Body part: eyelid
22) Color: green
23) Foot Trait: clawed paws
24) Adjective: handy
25) Noun: cape
26) Adjective: happy
27) Adjective: flighty
28) Noun: rain cloud
29) Verb: chatter
31) Noun: bongo

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:13 am
by Esperanza
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Esperanza
1)Verb: skipping
2)Verb: flirt
3)Color: red
4) Verb: kiss
5) Adjective: gorgeous
6) Noun: bird
7) Pattern: hearts
8) Color: white
9) Body Part: eyes
10) Trait: head wings
11) Adjective: perfect
12) Trait: mini
13) Adjective: eager
14) Verb: chirping
15) Location: hot spring
16) Trait: fancy feathers
17) Personality Trait: bird-like
18) Adjective: glorious
19) Noun: pickle weasel
20) Adjective:
21) Body part:
22) Color: ivory
23) Foot Trait: paws
24) Adjective: fancy
25) Noun: rose
26) Adjective: angry
27) Adjective: clumsy
28) Noun: grass
29) Verb: gulped
31) Noun: dog

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:50 pm
by Nighthenge
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Nighthenge
1)Verb: Fly
2)Verb: Giggle
3)Color: Purple
4) Verb: Pounce
5) Adjective: Sweet
6) Noun: Shrubbery
7) Pattern: Zebra
8) Color: Sky blue
9) Body Part: Ears
10) Trait: Giant Wings (Draconic)
11) Adjective: Wicked
12) Trait: Florae
13) Adjective: loud
14) Verb: Hide
15) Location: Volcano
16) Trait: Gems
17) Personality Trait: Smart
18) Adjective: Boisterous
19) Noun: Shell
20) Adjective: Confused
21) Body part: Nose
22) Color: Dark Green
23) Foot Trait: Tentacles
24) Adjective: Feline
25) Noun: Bracelet
26) Adjective: Smug
27) Adjective: Slinky
28) Noun: Paintbrush
29) Verb: Wiggle
31) Noun: Book

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:51 pm
by PoisonedPromise
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: PoisonedPromise
1)Verb: Ponder
2)Verb: Fall
3)Color: Purple
4) Verb: Climb
5) Adjective: Virulent
6) Noun: Tree
7) Pattern: Argyle
8) Color: Turquoise
9) Body Part: Eyeball
10) Trait: Fancy Feathers
11) Adjective: Extravagant
12) Trait: Body Spines
13) Adjective: Mysterious
14) Verb: Shake
15) Location: Meadow
16) Trait: Antlers
17) Personality Trait: Arrogant
18) Adjective: Hungry
19) Noun: Book
20) Adjective: Quaint
21) Body part: Elbow
22) Color: Amber
23) Foot Trait: Long Hooves
24) Adjective: Embarrassed
25) Noun: Cat
26) Adjective: Mushy
27) Adjective: Relieved
28) Noun: Chocolate
29) Verb: Wiggle
31) Noun: Mirror

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:43 am
by Varuna
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Varuna
1)Verb: Run
2)Verb: Sat
3)Color: Black
4) Verb: Threw
5) Adjective: Ugly
6) Noun: Hat
7) Pattern: Tie-dye
8) Color: Neon Pink
9) Body Part: Nose
10) Trait: Ignis
11) Adjective: Pretty
12) Trait: Bioluminescence
13) Adjective: Fantastic
14) Verb: dance
15) Location: Island
16) Trait: Combination Wings
17) Personality Trait: Floppy
18) Adjective: precocious
19) Noun: smoke
20) Adjective: stoic
21) Body part: rump
22) Color: Dark Red
23) Foot Trait: Tentacles
24) Adjective: mercurial
25) Noun: house
26) Adjective: malicious
27) Adjective: apeased
28) Noun: pumpkin
29) Verb: shimmy
31) Noun: box

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:11 am
by Pathos
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Pathos
1)Verb: Scratch
2)Verb: Fall
3)Color: Black
4) Verb: Scramble
5) Adjective: Desperate
6) Noun: Bird
7) Pattern: Tiger Stripes
8) Color: Red
9) Body Part: Ankles
10) Trait: Spectral Wings
11) Adjective: Starving
12) Trait: Feathered Tufts
13) Adjective: Psychotic
14) Verb: Sliding
15) Location: Beach
16) Trait: Wyvern
17) Personality Trait: Vicious
18) Adjective: Shocking
19) Noun: Insect
20) Adjective: Soft
21) Body part: Elbow
22) Color: Dark Purple
23) Foot Trait: Clawed Paws
24) Adjective: Angry
25) Noun: Juice
26) Adjective: Scary
27) Adjective: Clumsy
28) Noun: Footprint
29) Verb: Hit
31) Noun: Sky

Re: Roses are Red (Sanity): A Valentines Mad Lib

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:42 am
by Zincht
Sanity Paced Mad Lib
Username: Zincht
1)Verb: running
2)Verb: snowing
3)Color: cobalt
4) Verb: says
5) Adjective: fluorescent
6) Noun: keyboard
7) Pattern: rainbow
8) Color: minty
9) Body Part: legs
10) Trait: giant wings
11) Adjective: bubbly
12) Trait: unicorn horn
13) Adjective: giant
14) Verb: growing
15) Location: on steaming rocks
16) Trait: long tufts
17) Personality Trait: bubbly
18) Adjective: bright
19) Noun: die (pl. dice)
20) Adjective: reflective
21) Body part: face
22) Color: pink
23) Foot Trait: paws
24) Adjective: playful
25) Noun: armor
26) Adjective: big
27) Adjective: round
28) Noun: pony
29) Verb: flickering
31) Noun: lamp