samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Mythic Circle
ID: 334 Status: Open
- Description -

A dragon and a phoenix stand together at the top of a hill looking down on a pool of water surrounded by mysterious rock formations reminiscent of a druid circle. The Song of the Mythic Circle is a place where myths come to life. Treasure and Fancy are looking for other mythical creatures, so if you have a Samanayr resembling another mythical creature and are interested in joining their song, feel free to send silvermoondragon a pm.

This is a open song. When breedings are open, feel free to apply with Treasure and Fancy.

- Lead Stallion -
Treasure of the Dragon's Hoard
Owned by silvermoondragon
- Lead Mare -
Fancy of the Phoenix's Flight
Owned by oakleafwolf

- Offspring -
Talon of the Dragon Flight
Foal of Fancy of the Phoenix's Flight
Song of the Heart's Desire
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Database coded by Jenn