samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Snow Emerald
ID: 165 Status: Closed
- Lead Stallion -
Fog of the Verdant Forest
Owned by Elae
- Lead Mare -
Glowing of the Brilliant Emerald
Owned by Elae

- Mares -
Thawing of the Tangerine Glacier
Owned by Unyko
Jade of the Flickering Feathers
Owned by Elae
- Offspring -
Dusting of the First Snow
Foal of Thawing of the Tangerine Glacier
Song of the Shifting Twilight
Snow upon the Fallen Leaves
Foal of Thawing of the Tangerine Glacier
Not currently in a Song
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Database coded by Jenn