samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Warring Affections
ID: 253 Status: Closed
- Description -

Not far from the shoreline, basking on the water's surfac in the tropical heat, a red and white striped form can be seen. As you peer out at it, trying to make out just what it is, a shadow approaches the shore, unnoticed. Suddenly a red horn emerges from the water, followed swiftly by a fanged face. Before you can be frightened by the sudden emergance the rest of the creature follows and the young mare claps her front fins joyfully. "Visitoyrs! So pleased to see you! Won't you come and swim with us? Don't mind Flayre, he's just a big silly yreally."

Out on the reef the red and white form raises its head, revealing it to be a stallion, who stares grumpily at you for a few moments before submerging.

The Song of the Warring Affections is a closed Song. All Sams require permission from their respective fosterer. If your breeding is successful please let me know so that I can add the foal to the offspring list.

Flare's Song has room for two other mares, though they must be able to live full time in the ocean and put up with a rather quarrelsome older stallion who likes to complain, and with his much more energetic and lively lead mare.

- Lead Stallion -
Flare of the Spiky Temper
Owned by Origami_Dragon
- Lead Mare -
Jewel of the Ocean Mist
Owned by Origami_Dragon

- Mares -
Crescendo of the Molten Seas
Owned by Echos
Trill of the Chuckling Creek
Owned by FoxyJhai
All images and text on this page are © Sushidragon - all rights reserved
Database coded by Jenn